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Specialization in Latin American Creative Industries

For over a decade, Hecho x Nosotros and its collaborators have been co-creating a global community of advocates for change to accelerate the construction of a new paradigm within the Latin American creative industries. The creative industries can be defined as a "set of activities that in a chained manner, allow ideas to be transformed into goods and services, and whose value may be based on intellectual property" (IDB, 2018).

20. Animana Shop November 2016_7153 - Co

The Latin American creative economy has become an important productive sector, enhancing the local economy in terms of GDP, exports, employment, inversions, productivity, and social well-being (BID, 2018). Furthermore, it has been researched that creative activities in low-income countries and local communities improve economic growth, foster social cohesion participation, and strengthen local resilience (Callanan, 2017). 

Being conscious of the importance and the value of the creative economy, University HxN has been co-creating trainings, webinars, and workshops for professionals and actors of the creative economy, focusing on the areas such as design and the fashion industry, arts, cinema, or storytelling.

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