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From the seed to other action levels: remembering a decade of “Business for social change Ashoka"

As part of a memories chain collection, We are celebrating a decade of how being selected to partipate inner the context of Development Network program – BiD Argentina Challenge, boosted our ideas.

2009 was great and amazing year for our organization; through working in the construction of workshops and rooms aimed to change the impact and hazard that the massive production of fashion apparel have been representing for the environmental security and the ethical way to develop world economy. Hecho por Nosotros has been established between the 20 most interesting projects in the world in the field of local development.

The adverse effects of mass global production and non-ethical advertising strategies for the acceleration of irresponsible consumption in our region are not unknown to Latin American governments in the last decade; but the awakening and the application of tools to boost the local market have been slow.

Especially since the gears of the developing economy in the region were potentially designed to attract foreign investment without many parameters of sustainability, accurate work practices or real altruism.

From Hecho por Nosotros and animaná, We strongly believe important changes implied massive efforts, that’s why as our main priority we design and develop a technical platform for supporting Andean and Central American artisans and artist cooperatives focused on transformation by collaborative chains of training and fostering their practices with natural fibers and materials.

Cayafate School: the inspirational seed

It was one our most beloved projects, it was thinking and design for answering to the several tourist demand for local products but on a responsible and ethical mode, introducing circular principles of production by giving training workshops in recovery dyeing techniques, diaguita inheritance felt, bur at the same time strategies for product development to attract buyers.

These guidelines were taught in cooperation with artisans, professionals and specialized people as Mariela Oliva, Silvia Quatrocci, Humberto Juárez, Roberto Garrido, Yamila Golzales, Karla Buzzo, and Magdalena Veliz for 60 students (artisans).

Such a result of the success of the school for artisans in Cayafate, different workshops have been developed and remained active since 2009, encouraging application of new techniques for the elaboration of natural fiber fabrics and dyeing processes, as well as marketing / e- commerce strategies and public relations for the artisan and entrepreneurs communities that have been part of our Arts and Crafts Center – CAO

The New York - UN Headquaters Gala

Likewise, we remember and celebrate ten years ago –CAO- received its institutionalization through of the participation in Fashion 4 Development: training and joining more than 100 artisans, anthropologists, designers in the framework of ethical fashion in Argentina.

Building on The UN Headquarters – New York Gala like a great opportunity to spread the message of social responsibility that have society, enterprise, buyer and governments in the values’ network of fashion marketing.

We also celebrate Interdisciplinary workshops as taught at NOA, have established as an important tool for the sustainability and empowerment projects for artisan communities in cities of Argentina, Peru, Chile, Bolivia and Mexico, during the last decade to continue developing the artisan skills acquired in their own ventures.

The Andean University of Arts and Crafts : Ended the Decade

This is our most recent project and has been performing at three regions of Argentina and of course it has been the product of walking in the direction of ethics in production.

The experience of the unbearable work for the use of natural fibers with total efficiency to high quality fashion manufacture transforming the local production of artisans from Salta, El Salado or Mar del Plata in a completely circular economic chain that encourages the emergence of a sustainable way of living, thinking, using, commodifying and monetizing.

From Hecho por Nosotros, We are pretty grateful to be able to close this decade, printing organizational powers for the production and commercialization of ethically designed products; and transversally the promotion of the awareness of 'slow fashion' in sectors of the population that seemed impervious.

Writte by Sylvia Diaz

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